Matchmaking by professionals on steroids- does it work?
Have you watched the Netflix series Married at First Sight? If you have, I am sure you are wondering how two strangers, set up by professionals who barely know them, can realize profound long-term relationships. It sounds ludicrous when you first hear about the show’s premise, yet this show has cultivated incredible love stories. Why does this work?
The methodology of the show works the same way professional matchmakers work. A professional has the experience to see overarching similarities that allow for a sustainable loving relationship that will stand the test of time. Most singles typically ignore these underlying similarities when initially meeting each other.
Highly Seasoned Matchmakers make a difference
When a professional has the luxury of getting to know someone to the core with an honest and discerning interview process, they can uncover must-haves and deal breakers that the individual may not realize necessary to fall in love. It’s easy to get accustomed to a particular type, find comfort in familiar experiences, and therefore continue to date the same guy/gal in a different body. To create a different result, you need to create a new avenue/environment for dating, so you don’t repeat what has not served you well.
Watching the series in New Orleans during the pandemic was interesting as the couples wound up being together for a longer than usual timeframe. One of the couples said they would not have ended up together had it not been for the extended period they had spent together. It was during that time that new layers of who they are were revealed and bonded them in a way that they eventually fell in love.
What it takes to win at love
Time, patience, an open heart, and an open mind were necessary for the couples to uncover what they were looking for in their partner. The successful couples came into the show trusting the professionals and the process. The couples who remained guarded, untrusting, and accusatory never built a connection or an understanding of the person they were matched with during the series.
As Matchmakers, we have come to learn that not all singles have figured out what they need from a partner as they have yet to experience it. They are clear on what it looks like but not clear on the substantive particulars that will allow them to attain their end goal. When it comes to matters of the heart, it is strangely difficult to differentiate what sounds good as opposed to what will feel good in the long run.
Commitment to prioritizing love
We know that when singles are genuinely focused on finding a lasting relationship, most successful singles choose to outsource this to the pros. The show is an unusual form of professional matchmaking, but it still illustrates the value of an outsider’s opinion and the success that happens with the seasoned guidance of a matchmaker.
If you are ready to consider putting yourself in a better position to find the love of your life and have the ability to invest in yourself, we would be happy to talk with you about how to get there. Please reach out, and we will set up a private conversation to assist you in your next steps to finding love.
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