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A Matchmaker’s Guide To Summer Dating

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May 13, 2022

A Luxury Matchmaker’s Guide to Summer Dating: Spring Cleaning

Flowers are blooming and love is in the air. This is a great time to refresh your look, clean out old relationships, and refocus your efforts on finding the person for you. Now that we’ve left winter behind, let’s take a look at some spring cleaning we can do to prepare us for summer dating!

Refresh Your Look For Summer

The first step of your spring cleaning regimen is to take on your look. Have fun with it! Use this springtime to focus on bringing out the best in you.

A personal trainer can be a great place to start getting that summer six-pack. It’s buried there somewhere; it might just take a little work to find it. Alternatively, investing in home gym equipment or even just a treadmill can also work to sculpt that beach-ready body.

On top of that, take the time to clean out your closet and refresh your wardrobe. Get rid of those old clothes that don’t fit right anymore; the uncomfortable underwear and the out-of-fashion swimsuits. Replace them with clothes that celebrate you, and make you feel sexy and confident.

Take this time to address other parts of your look that you feel less assured of. Tackle insecurities about your look so you can feel confident and collected. If thinning hair is a concern, hair loss medication for women can help you to get ahead of potential issues like alopecia areata or other hormonal hair loss causes.

If you’re self-conscious about skin issues, spring is also a great time to re-imagine your skincare routine and better protect your face from the summer sun.

Clean Out Old Relationships

Preparing for new relationships means moving on from old ones. If you’re still clinging to an ex you can’t focus on your current situation or future relationships.

Go through your phone and clean out your exes. Start by deleting their contacts if you haven’t already, and go through photos you don’t need anymore. You don’t need to pretend they never existed, but they shouldn’t be on your phone anymore. Pictures of their pets can obviously stay unless they’re going to be a distraction for you.

Sentimental items can go, too. If your favorite sweater happens to be from an ex that’s fine, but go through your jewelry and pick out the pieces you don’t wear because they were from a past relationship.

Matchmaker Advice For Focusing Your Data Efforts

A good dating strategy starts with some prep work. Spend some time focusing on how to find the person for you and what they might look like. What are your must-haves? Now’s the time to refocus your efforts to take full advantage of the summer ahead.

If you use any dating apps, take this time to also clean up your profile. Write up a new bio, and upload some new pictures. With all the flowers budding and greenspaces reopened, spring is the perfect time to schedule a photoshoot for updated pictures that you love.

While you’re at it, focus your efforts on just one dating service. You don’t need to invest in multiple dating services to cast a wide net. If apps and websites haven’t been working for you and you are looking for a different approach, it’s time to meet with a luxury matchmaker Select Date Society. Our team has the experience and knowledge to pair you with other highly sought-after singles.

Before you dive back into the dating scene, define your dating boundaries. Who pays for dinner? When you’re upset, would you like them to fix it, or just listen? How do you plan on handling political disagreements? Knowing the answers to these questions can help protect you, and highlight red flags in people who won’t respect your boundaries.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Winter can be hard on all of us, so use the revitalizing energy of spring to take charge of your mental health. Dating can sometimes take a toll on your sanity, so it’s best to start in the right place.

Mindful, healthy habits are important for everyone, and this is a great time to implement them into your routines. Mindfulness meditation has a lot of proven mental health benefits and can help you get in touch with yourself.

Sobriety has recently become a popular trend with the sober curious movement, and having a “sober spring” can help you take charge of your mental health. Even for people who have a healthy relationship with alcohol, doing a sobriety challenge could have a big impact on your mental health, and might change your dating habits. Was going out for drinks your go-to first date? After a sober spring, you might want to mix it up with some other fun date ideas.

Are you ready to spring clean your dating life? Our team of professional matchmakers can help you get started meeting elite singles in your area. Reach out to us to get started.

About the author

Select Date Society

Select Date Society started with the idea that singles today needed a more sophisticated approach to excel in the dating arena. The one-size-fits-all approach of most services, whether online dating or personal matchmaking, doesn’t produce the results clients desire. In listening to the experiences of singles for decades, our Matchmakers know the value of our personalized membership tailored to an individual client’s needs. Our proprietary approach in the dating arena affords singles the optimal opportunity for success.