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Success Stories

Rachael & Travis

Introduced 10/19/2020 and Married 01/07/2023

Select Date Society introduced Rachael & Travis in October of 2020. Travis lived in Chicago and Rachael lived in Charleston. The SDS matchmaking team felt strongly about the match despite the distance. Rachael was reluctant at first but listened to her matchmaker’s guidance. Their first in person date took place in Charleston where they enjoyed a sunset helicopter tour. In October of 2021, on Rachael’s birthday, Travis proposed! They are planning on moving to Colorado together. This love story proves that being open to finding love in another area may be the key to finding your perfect match!

Danielle & Rich

“I want to start by saying that after divorce, the idea of finding a soul mate was not fathomable or even appealing to me. When I realized that the love I wanted was still a true desire, I knew that I had to find a better way. I chose to allow a professional to weigh in, so I didn’t wind up with the same man all over again. My now husband and I were both recently divorced and yet both knew that we truly wanted a love that would be forever. Rich & I are beyond grateful to have met each other through the advice and encouragement of Select Date Society! It’s amazing that when you do things differently, you get different results. There is nothing more rewarding in life than finding the love of your life! Our lives have truly changed by their advice & support. We can’t say enough about this group of women. Their commitment to encouraging this incredible love has forever changed our lives & we are forever grateful!”

Professional Matchmaker Testimonial

Lynnelle & Ryan

High End Matchmaker Testimonial

“We cannot say thank you enough to the Select Date Society team for all of your guidance and support! At first glance, we may have not selected each other on a dating app, but we trusted the guidance from the matchmaking team at SDS and we are both so happy we did! We got married on July 23, 2021 in an intimate ceremony in our backyard. We are both so excited about our future together! Whenever we meet someone still searching for their person, we highly recommend Select Date Society!”

Debbie & Doug

“I would like to start by saying that after experiencing a relationship that ended after 25 years in betrayal and a difficult re-entry into the dating world, I had resigned myself to being alone. I was living a blessed life with good friends, a loving family, and I believed it would be enough. After much self reflection, I realized that I didn’t want to be alone and wanted to share my life with someone in a meaningful way. However, I wanted a professional to help.

Sandra and the team coached me to identify my strengths, my vulnerabilities, and what I truly wanted in a relationship. Then worked tirelessly to identify the right man for me. Their extensive experience in the dating world and in relationships, in general, provided me with a support system that met me where I was in my journey. More importantly, their kindness, empathy, enthusiasm, and network, provided me the chance to meet the man of my dreams.

Doug and I are so blessed to have found each other at this time in our lives; we laugh, love, support, and enjoy the time we have together. I am so thankful for the encouragement SDS provided to help me find the love of my life.”

executive matchmaker testimonial

Elise & Josh

gondola in italy

“I had the pleasure of working with Select Date Society to find my soulmate and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The team at SDS took the time to truly understand my wants and needs in a partner and used their expertise and resources to set me up with a perfect match. Josh was the first man they set me up with and I am forever grateful to SDS for introducing us. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical, knowing he was across the country in California while I was living in NYC, but after we had several successful FaceTime dates, it was clear to me that the SDS team really listened to me about certain qualities I was looking for in a partner.

After about a month of talking, we had our very first in-person date in beautiful Venice, Italy! It was the most romantic star-filled night as we glided through the canals in a gondola, sipping wine, smiling and laughing. The night ended with a first kiss on the Ponte della Paglia. I’ll never forget our dreamy first date. The magic has continued ever since, and I have SDS to thank for bringing us together. If you’re looking for love, I highly recommend working with these ladies; You never know where it might take you!”

Chloe & Mark

“I was living in Savannah when the team at SDS reached out to me, but I told them during an initial call, “My heart was still in Ohio.” Turns out they just so happened to have a client in Ohio and had a feeling we would be a great match. Mark and I chatted via FaceTime for a month and finally met in his hometown. Fast forward 1 ½ years and lots of long-distance travel to each other’s towns and around the globe, I moved into his home in Ohio.

We are incredibly happy and busy planning our engagement and our next trip, departing from the same airport! True love can happen at any time if you remain open. We just celebrated my 60th birthday in St. Lucia! After previously failed marriages, we know that we are finally with the true love of our life. We are grateful and blessed that we found each other. It never would have happened without the dedication, guidance and support of SDS. These ladies are brilliant at their work!”

testimonial by Chloe & Mark

Lisa & Wayne

Lisa and Wayne testimonial

(This photo is in the likeness of our client for privacy purposes) 

My husband of 36 years passed away from cancer almost two years ago. We met when we were 15 and 16 years old and sort of grew up together, raising three wonderful boys and having fun along the way. We had a wonderful marriage, and I could never imagine losing him, but we did… I know he felt blessed to have had the life he had. I know that he said, “We have no control over this,” and I know that his only worry/regret was leaving me behind. He fervently wished that I would be okay… that I would continue to have a good life without him. How can I possibly live without my husband? My life seemed without hope, without direction, and without meaning.

On one February day, six months after he passed, I was on a vacation in Hawaii and felt suddenly lonely. I told my grief therapist that I didn’t know where this loneliness came from. She said to me that people who have had a wonderful marriage always want another one. At that time, this concept was difficult to wrap my head around and I told her that I was ambivalent about starting the process of dating and that I did not know where to begin. She told me to hire a matchmaker and pay an experienced firm for it… I thought then that I was not completely ready but was curious and wanted to get a feel of what it would be like to work with one. The process of searching for a matchmaker was challenging, but I did find one, Select Dating Society. I was interviewed by Sandra to see if we were a good fit. I told her that I wasn’t sure if I was ready to date, and she assured me that I was and that I checked all the boxes and knew it would be fast. Well, I thought that I paid college tuition for my boys’ education and that I would consider this fee to be my “tuition” in learning again how to date with good coaching. As a widow, I had so much to lose, and I did not have any bandwidth to deal with dates that would bring drama to my life.

After paying my fee, I took their personality test to determine what kind of person would be a good match. They spent a lot of time getting to know me, and once my profile was complete, the team vetted at least eight candidates before introducing me to Wayne a month later. Would you believe me if I told you that Wayne was my first date of six that I was promised? After five months, we were engaged and were married one year after we met. In SDS’s mind, Wayne was a perfect candidate for me. He happened to be widowed as well. He had a very successful career, and most of all, we shared the same values. He is fiscally responsible with great kids/grandkids, long-time friends, and, most importantly, a good person…

Of course, meeting a new person and falling in love does not happen without a lot of soul work. I had to be open, brave, and trusting. My good friends will tell me that I got lucky twice with my late husband and now Wayne. I am very grateful for them both & Select Date Society!

Lindsay & Raf

“I spent two years serial dating using dating apps, which yielded zero results. I then decided to hire Select Date Society. I was a “one and done,” as my matchmaker likes to say. Raf was my first and only match. I knew within a few dates that he was the love of my life. The goal of love is to find someone who accepts you exactly as you are. I have found this in Raf. You can’t put a price on your personal life. Select Date Society is worth every penny.”

Raf and Lindsay

Rachael & Travis

Introduced 10/19/2020 and Engaged 10/23/2021

Married on 01/07/2023

Select Date Society introduced Rachael & Travis in October of 2020. Travis lived in Chicago and Rachael lived in Charleston. The SDS matchmaking team felt strongly about the match despite the distance. Rachael was reluctant at first but listened to her matchmaker’s guidance. Their first in person date took place in Charleston where they enjoyed a sunset helicopter tour. In October of 2021, on Rachael’s birthday, Travis proposed! They are planning on moving to Colorado together. This love story proves that being open to finding love in another area may be the key to finding your perfect match!

Danielle & Rich

“I want to start by saying that after divorce, the idea of finding a soul mate was not fathomable or even appealing to me. When I realized that the love I wanted was still a true desire, I knew that I had to find a better way. I chose to allow a professional to weigh in, so I didn’t wind up with the same man all over again. My now husband and I were both recently divorced and yet both knew that we truly wanted a love that would be forever. Rich & I are beyond grateful to have met each other through the advice and encouragement of Select Date Society! It’s amazing that when you do things differently, you get different results. There is nothing more rewarding in life than finding the love of your life! Our lives have truly changed by their advice & support. We can’t say enough about this group of women. Their commitment to encouraging this incredible love has forever changed our lives & we are forever grateful!”

Lynnelle & Ryan

“We cannot say thank you enough to the Select Date Society team for all of your guidance and support! At first glance, we may have not selected each other on a dating app, but we trusted the guidance from the matchmaking team at SDS and we are both so happy we did! We got married on July 23, 2021 in an intimate ceremony in our backyard. We are both so excited about our future together! Whenever we meet someone still searching for their person, we highly recommend Select Date Society!”

debbie and doug

Debbie & Doug

​”I would like to start by saying that after experiencing a relationship that ended after 25 years in betrayal and a difficult re-entry into the dating world, I had resigned myself to being alone. I was living a blessed life with good friends, a loving family, and I believed it would be enough. After much self reflection, I realized that I didn’t want to be alone and wanted to share my life with someone in a meaningful way. However, I wanted a professional to help.

Sandra and the team coached me to identify my strengths, my vulnerabilities, and what I truly wanted in a relationship. Then worked tirelessly to identify the right man for me. Their extensive experience in the dating world and in relationships, in general, provided me with a support system that met me where I was in my journey. More importantly, their kindness, empathy, enthusiasm, and network, provided me the chance to meet the man of my dreams.

Doug and I are so blessed to have found each other at this time in our lives; we laugh, love, support, and enjoy the time we have together. I am so thankful for the encouragement SDS provided to help me find the love of my life.”

gondola in italy

Elise & Josh

​”I had the pleasure of working with Select Date Society to find my soulmate and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The team at SDS took the time to truly understand my wants and needs in a partner and used their expertise and resources to set me up with a perfect match. Josh was the first man they set me up with and I am forever grateful to SDS for introducing us. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical, knowing he was across the country in California while I was living in NYC, but after we had several successful FaceTime dates, it was clear to me that the SDS team really listened to me about certain qualities I was looking for in a partner.

After about a month of talking, we had our very first in-person date in beautiful Venice, Italy! It was the most romantic star-filled night as we glided through the canals in a gondola, sipping wine, smiling and laughing. The night ended with a first kiss on the Ponte della Paglia. I’ll never forget our dreamy first date. The magic has continued ever since, and I have SDS to thank for bringing us together. If you’re looking for love, I highly recommend working with these ladies; You never know where it might take you!”

testimonial by Chloe & Mark

Chloe & Mark

“I was living in Savannah when the team at SDS reached out to me, but I told them during an initial call, “My heart was still in Ohio.” Turns out they just so happened to have a client in Ohio and had a feeling we would be a great match. Mark and I chatted via FaceTime for a month and finally met in his hometown. Fast forward 1 ½ years and lots of long-distance travel to each other’s towns and around the globe, I moved into his home in Ohio.

We are incredibly happy and busy planning our engagement and our next trip, departing from the same airport! True love can happen at any time if you remain open. We just celebrated my 60th birthday in St. Lucia! After previously failed marriages, we know that we are finally with the true love of our life. We are grateful and blessed that we found each other. It never would have happened without the dedication, guidance and support of SDS. These ladies are brilliant at their work!”

Lisa and Wayne testimonial

Lisa & Wayne

My husband of 36 years passed away from cancer almost two years ago. We met when we were 15 and 16 years old and sort of grew up together, raising three wonderful boys and having fun along the way. We had a wonderful marriage, and I could never imagine losing him, but we did… I know he felt blessed to have had the life he had. I know that he said, “We have no control over this,” and I know that his only worry/regret was leaving me behind. He fervently wished that I would be okay… that I would continue to have a good life without him. How can I possibly live without my husband? My life seemed without hope, without direction, and without meaning.

On one February day, six months after he passed, I was on a vacation in Hawaii and felt suddenly lonely. I told my grief therapist that I didn’t know where this loneliness came from. She said to me that people who have had a wonderful marriage always want another one. At that time, this concept was difficult to wrap my head around and I told her that I was ambivalent about starting the process of dating and that I did not know where to begin. She told me to hire a matchmaker and pay an experienced firm for it… I thought then that I was not completely ready but was curious and wanted to get a feel of what it would be like to work with one. The process of searching for a matchmaker was challenging, but I did find one, Select Dating Society. I was interviewed by Sandra to see if we were a good fit. I told her that I wasn’t sure if I was ready to date, and she assured me that I was and that I checked all the boxes and knew it would be fast. Well, I thought that I paid college tuition for my boys’ education and that I would consider this fee to be my “tuition” in learning again how to date with good coaching. As a widow, I had so much to lose, and I did not have any bandwidth to deal with dates that would bring drama to my life.

After paying my fee, I took their personality test to determine what kind of person would be a good match. They spent a lot of time getting to know me, and once my profile was complete, the team vetted at least eight candidates before introducing me to Wayne a month later. Would you believe me if I told you that Wayne was my first date of six that I was promised? After five months, we were engaged and were married one year after we met. In SDS’s mind, Wayne was a perfect candidate for me. He happened to be widowed as well. He had a very successful career, and most of all, we shared the same values. He is fiscally responsible with great kids/grandkids, long-time friends, and, most importantly, a good person…

Of course, meeting a new person and falling in love does not happen without a lot of soul work. I had to be open, brave, and trusting. My good friends will tell me that I got lucky twice with my late husband and now Wayne. I am very grateful for them both & Select Date Society!

Raf and Lindsay
Lindsay & Raf
“I spent two years serial dating using dating apps, which yielded zero results. I then decided to hire Select Date Society. I was a “one and done,” as my matchmaker likes to say. Raf was my first and only match. I knew within a few dates that he was the love of my life. The goal of love is to find someone who accepts you exactly as you are. I have found this in Raf. You can’t put a price on your personal life. Select Date Society is worth every penny.”

Client Google Review

“If you are considering working with a matchmaker, please look at SDS. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made. One of the biggest reasons I decided to go with Amber and her team was because of their reviews. I am impressed by my experience so far and I’m looking forward to continuing my journey with them. I am very confident I will come out with my future husband at the end of this!

Client Google Review

“As a busy professional, it’s so hard to find the time to date. I was done wasting my time in the apps and online dating. Sandra’s experience in this industry is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. She is extremely genuine, and that’s why I decided to put my trust into her and the SDS team. The man I’m dating now was the 1st person I was introduced to and we couldn’t be happier! I see this going the distance and I can’t thank them enough. I highly recommend SDS

Client Google Review

“I was so hesitant to try a matchmaker, but I was overusing dating apps and meeting guys who weren’t looking for the same things as I was. I worked with Sandra directly and I was so impressed. The quality of men I was matched with impressed me. I decided to freeze my membership and exclusively date the second man I was introduced to. I have a great feeling about him! I highly recommend their team if you’re looking into hiring a matchmaker.

Client Google Review

“I am forever grateful for my experience with Select Date Society. Thank you, Amber, for introducing me to my fiancé! We have so much fun together and we both are so impressed with our experience working with you and your team. I didn’t think I would find someone who made me this happy!

Client Google Review

“I have been on the fence about hiring a matchmaker and the moment I got on the phone with Sandra, all of my doubts were gone. It felt like I’ve known her for years. She was professional, intuitive and thoroughly listened to my needs and wants regarding my next relationship. Dating has been such a chore in the past. The first few introductions have been amazing and I’m excited to continue this journey with SDS.

Client Google Review

“If you are looking at hiring a matchmaker, please consider SDS. I highly recommend their service. I was on the fence, talking to a few different firms, but at the end of the day, Amber and her team delivered. One of my close friends used their service, and I am so glad he recommended me!

Client Google Review

“I was so shocked by how quickly the SDS team responded to my inquiry. I wanted to put my feelers out there to learn more about the matchmaking process, and I heard back from them almost instantly. Because of their professionalism and transparency, I decided to go with SDS and I couldn’t have made a better decision. After 3 amazing matches, I finally found my current boyfriend, soon to be fiancé.. 😉 haha. I couldn’t be happier that I chose matchmaking and that I chose SDS. Thank you!

Client Google Review

“This matchmaking agency understood who I was and what I was looking for in a man I wanted to meet as a future companion. The very first date that Emily found for me was the perfect match. He is a widower who had a successful long marriage like me and we are entering our new chapter with love and hope. We are committed for life, and there will be a marriage in our future. Thank you, Sandra, Emily and others at Select Date Society!

Client Google Review

“I was apprehensive about using a service like this, unsure what the outcome would be I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the individuals I was introduced to. Amber and the rest of the group are so sincere, and they really took the time to get to know me and what I wanted. I truly appreciate you, ladies!

Successful, Selective, Professional Singles