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What Is Emotional Intimacy and Why Is It Important?

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Home 9 Matchmaker Blog 9 What Is Emotional Intimacy and Why Is It Important?

October 15, 2024

What is emotional intimacy? It is a type of connection in a relationship that is characterized by mutual trust, understanding, vulnerability, and communication. For instance, you can usually feel it if you know you can be yourself around your partner. Why is it necessary, and how can it be built? Read on to find out more.

What Is Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship? Definition

Emotional intimacy is a bond between two partners in a relationship. It involves the feelings of:

  • security,
  • trust,
  • being able to share your vulnerabilities,
  • excellent communication.

Developing emotional intimacy is a crucial step in the psychology of attraction. It often distinguishes a relationship with your true soulmate from other relationships that will not survive the test of time.

What Is Emotional Intimacy to a Man vs. Woman?

Interestingly enough, men and women see emotional intimacy differently and desire it to varying extents. For women, emotional intimacy is vital before physical intimacy—they want to feel it before sex.

On the other hand, men often struggle with emotional intimacy, and it is not as important to them as it is to women. It takes more time for them to develop this kind of bond, as they often feel alarmed when asked about their feelings or simply unable to express them. This is why raising emotional awareness among the male half of society is crucial.

How Important Is Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship?

Emotional intimacy is the basis for a healthy relationship with your partner. It is what makes you feel safe, comfortable, and loved. Thanks to it, you:

  • don’t feel lonely,
  • know you can rely on your partner,
  • communicate effectively with your partner, avoiding arguments and misunderstandings,
  • feel comfortable with your partner in any situation.

How to Build Physical Intimacy with a Man or Woman Through Emotional Intimacy?

As we already mentioned, women often strive for emotional intimacy before things get physical. However, even if sex happens earlier, it does not mean that emotional intimacy is no longer needed.

Although emotional and physical intimacy differs, the former often improves the latter. This is yet another reason to try to build it.

emotional intimacy

The Signs of Emotional Intimacy

How do you know whether you build trust in your relationship? What is the meaning of emotional intimacy in practice? You can recognize whether you formed such a bond with a partner if you know all the signs, such as:

  • You feel you can be yourself around your partner; they won’t judge you.
  • You feel completely secure when sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings with your partner.
  • You want to support your partner no matter what; you care about their feelings and well-being.
  • You love sharing moments with your partner.

On the other hand, there are also some signs that you still need to build such a connection. What do you need to watch out for?

  • You don’t feel close to your partner.
  • You don’t like sharing your feelings with them.
  • You don’t trust them.
  • You feel misunderstood by your partner.
  • You feel like your partner does not support or care about you.
  • You are often in conflict with your partner.
  • You have communication problems.

How to Build Emotional Intimacy?

Building emotional intimacy requires some time and effort, but it is possible to support this process. What can you do to strengthen your relationship?

  • Plan for intimacy—find time to share intimate moments despite your busy lives.
  • Celebrate your relationship—dates are important, both at the beginning of your relationship and after 30 years of marriage, as they will help you strengthen your emotional intimacy.
  • Learn active listening—this will help you better understand your partner and improve communication.
  • Remain open—try to build an open mindset and show your partner that you can understand them, even if you disagree.

The Takeaway

Knowing what emotional intimacy is and why it is essential in your relationship allows you to form a stronger bond with your partner. Most of this will happen naturally, but it is good to have a finger on the pulse and make sure that you create circumstances in which your intimacy can grow. After all, with emotional intimacy comes better communication, comfort in your relationship, and a much more satisfying physical intimacy—it is worth the extra effort!

Don’t currently have a partner? Our high-end matchmaker can help you find an elite single just like you, one with whom building emotional intimacy will be natural.

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Select Date Society

Select Date Society started with the idea that singles today needed a more sophisticated approach to excel in the dating arena. The one-size-fits-all approach of most services, whether online dating or personal matchmaking, doesn’t produce the results clients desire. In listening to the experiences of singles for decades, our Matchmakers know the value of our personalized membership tailored to an individual client’s needs. Our proprietary approach in the dating arena affords singles the optimal opportunity for success.