Can a relationship survive without physical intimacy? Technically, yes. However, this is difficult on both sides. After some time, you might feel neglected, insecure, or even unloved, even if it’s not your fault. Do you want to learn more? Then keep reading!
Does a Relationship Need Physical Intimacy?
A relationship without physical intimacy is a relationship that is incomplete—unfortunately, in most cases, this statement is true. Can relationships work without physical intimacy? Yes, but this is a major challenge for both sides, one that might be difficult to overcome.
However, not all is lost. The fate of your relationship depends on how long this problem occurs. Does a 2-year relationship need physical intimacy? Absolutely. But what if its lack occurs for only a month?
In such cases, you can and should try to survive without physical intimacy. There are many short-term causes for its lack, ones that will pass with time. For instance, your partner might be stressed about a critical project in their company—as soon as it is completed, they should return to their old self. The lack of physical intimacy becomes an actual problem only if it seems permanent.
How Important Is Physical Intimacy in a Relationship?
Why is it so difficult to maintain a relationship without physical intimacy? It all boils down to the effects that physical intimacy has on couples. It’s a part of the psychology of attraction and a crucial element in your emotional connection. Let’s look at this in more detail.

Physical Intimacy Builds Emotional Connections
Physical intimacy is a building block for something much more important—emotional intimacy. Even simple gestures, like holding hands or a gentle kiss on the forehead, may strengthen your affection, trust, and closeness. Therefore, their lack may cause you to slowly drift apart.
Physical Intimacy Helps Reduce Stress and Feel Supported
Mutual support is the backbone of any healthy relationship. While it can be achieved through empathy, active listening, and gestures, physical intimacy also plays a major role here. It has been proven that touch triggers the release of “oxytocin,” a substance that helps us release stress and feel supported. So, if there is no physical intimacy in your relationship, you and/or your partner might feel abandoned on your/their own with your/their problems.
Physical Intimacy Builds Trust
Finally, physical intimacy builds trust. Without it, you may start to doubt your partner’s intentions or even feel they are hiding something. This is often not the case, but the doubts pop up in your head, and you can’t do much about them.
Physical Intimacy Is Not Sex
All the above are true if you interpret physical intimacy right. Many couples make the mistake of perceiving it purely as sex, while the truth is completely different.
Physical intimacy is all about small gestures, like a gentle touch, an evening cuddle, or a goodnight kiss on the cheek. It does not equal sex—these are two different things. One of the biggest mistakes that couples make is that they treat these as a whole and do not engage in physical intimacy outside of their bed.
Do not make that mistake. Remember that the lack of sex does not mean that you’re in a relationship without physical intimacy. At the same time, make sure you’re physically intimate with your partner on more occasions than just when you make love—the small gestures matter.
What If I’m in a Relationship without Physical Intimacy?
As your high-end matchmakers, we can tell you: don’t worry about it just yet; understand what causes the problem first. The lack of physical intimacy might have numerous causes, many of which are temporary and will pass with time.
Naturally, this does not mean that you should ignore the problem when it occurs. Simply don’t panic—approach your partner and discuss your concerns. Finding a solution together is always the best choice!
The Takeaway
Is physical intimacy necessary in a relationship? Yes. However, this does not mean that the lack of it is already a big problem. Sometimes, you simply don’t have time for intimacy, or there’s a lot going on in your lives, making you forget and engage less in physical intimacy. If it’s not permanent, you don’t have to worry. If you do, you should start by talking to your partner—it’s easier to find the cause together, and you might find ways to rebuild physical intimacy after discussing the issue.
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