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7 Signs You’re Dating a High-Value Man

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Home 9 Matchmaker Blog 9 7 Signs You’re Dating a High-Value Man

January 7, 2025

How do you know you’re dating a high-value man? There are quite a few signs that indicate that. In this article, we delve into them to show you how to recognize a high-value man worth your time and effort. We invite you to read on!

Dating a High-Value Man – The Top Signs to Look for

Dating a high-value man might be a dream come true—such men are characterized by traits that make them excellent partners. What characteristics are we talking about? What are the signs that you’re dating a high-value man? Take a look below.

He’s Committed – Not Only to You

A high-value man is a committed man, and we don’t mean it only relationship-wise. He’ll be dedicated to building trust with you, but he’ll also make the extra effort in other areas of life. High-value men are dedicated to their careers, friends, passions, and partners. They go the extra mile and put in all their effort, no matter whether it’s a new project at their company or a weekend date.

He’s Reliable

Along with the commitment, high-value men value you and their time. This means if they make plans, they follow through. Naturally, there might be some situations (e.g., work emergency) where they cannot keep their commitments, but they will compensate for that afterward.

He Respects Your Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries in a relationship (whether romantic or not) is crucial, and a high-value man understands that. He won’t pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do, and your opinions will matter to him. At the same time, he will expect you to respect his boundaries, so it’s a trait that needs to be followed through by both parties in the relationship.

He Supports Your Goals and Loves to See You Thrive

One of the signs that you’re dating a high-value man is completely opposite to the signs that you’re dating a narcissist. The latter would try to belittle you just to feel better, and the former would become happy with your successes, whether in professional or private life. A high-value man will encourage you to pursue your goals and support you while pursuing them. He will understand that sometimes you just need more time to focus on your career or passion; he will help you if you ask him to while respecting your boundaries—it is your success, so you’re the one to decide whether you want to achieve it by yourself or with his help.

He’s Dressed and Groomed Impeccably

A high-value man will put a lot of effort into their looks. This doesn’t necessarily need to mean expensive clothes or haircuts or even following fashion trends. Instead, a high-value man will simply be dedicated to self-care, with impeccable suits and perfect grooming being the result of that.
signs you're dating a high value man

He’ll Have Clear-Cut Expectations

Everybody has expectations about their partners, and so is the case with high-value men. Since they are extremely committed and value both their and their partners’ time, they will have clear-cut expectations that might be slightly higher than the average. They will avoid people who drain their energy or are simply negative, whether in romantic relationships or when friends are concerned. At the same time, a high-value man won’t hesitate to tell you (or their friends) that they are being unreasonable. He will stand up for himself and you if that’s the case. But he will also stand up for himself when you’re being reasonable, so you have to be ready for him to tell the truth to your face.

He’s Always Looking to Improve

Another characteristic sign that you’re dating a high-value man involves his will to improve. You won’t have to ask him for a better date; even if it is fantastic, he will look for ways to make the next date even better. The same goes for everyday life, communication in your relationship, and his professional life and career. The danger here is that he might lead you to believe he’s trying to outperform you. After all, if you’ve prepared a memorable date and he’s trying to come up with something even better, which repeats every time, you might feel like it’s a competition. But it is not for him—he simply tries to improve all the time and make you happy, so remember that.

The Takeaway

Dating a high-value man has its pros and some cons—you need to understand him to make the most out of your relationship. But if you do, he will make your life wonderful and allow you to feel appreciated and loved—you will build a model relationship based on respect, communication, and empathy. How to find a high-value man? Trust our luxury millionaire matchmaker.

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Select Date Society

Select Date Society started with the idea that singles today needed a more sophisticated approach to excel in the dating arena. The one-size-fits-all approach of most services, whether online dating or personal matchmaking, doesn’t produce the results clients desire. In listening to the experiences of singles for decades, our Matchmakers know the value of our personalized membership tailored to an individual client’s needs. Our proprietary approach in the dating arena affords singles the optimal opportunity for success.