We’ve covered the topic of bad signs in a relationship quite thoroughly on our blog. But did you know that there are also some green flags showing you’re dating the right person? Some signs can tell whether you’re with the right partner or not. What are they? Read this article to find out the answer!
8 Green Flags in Dating
So, how do you know whether you’re dating someone who’s really interested in you? What shows you that they might be the perfect partner to build a long-lasting relationship? Here are all the most important dating green flags observed by our matchmakers over 25 years of experience in the industry.
They’re Happy to See You
The first and perhaps most important green flag is connected with your partner’s behavior when you’re dating. If they almost always seem happy to see you, whether for a date or by accident, it means you’re with the right person.
They Listen to You
A good partner tries to build emotional intimacy, and that’s impossible without communication. That’s why you should look for partners who truly listen to you; if they do, that’s a major green flag.
They Treat You As an Equal
Another essential green flag in dating is your partner treating you as an equal, with proper respect. This means they value your opinions as much as theirs and hold you to the same standards. You should also have an equal say in making significant decisions in your relationship.
They Respect Your Boundaries
If you set clear boundaries when you start dating, and your partner does respect them, that’s a green flag. Some partners might try to move these boundaries later on or even force you out of your comfort zone—that’s a red flag. At the same time, it’s not bad if they want to discuss your boundaries and move them in a respectful way by discussing this topic calmly in the right setting with you… as long as they’re understanding and accept “no” for an answer.
They Share with You and Let You Share with Them
It’s also a green flag if the partner you’re dating likes to share with you—even if we mean traumas or negative experiences. At the same time, they should allow you to share with them without being judgemental. This is a cornerstone of building trust in a relationship, and without this, you won’t be fully committed to each other. Naturally, such sharing should occur on your first or second date, but after some time together, you should be open about such things (while also respecting each other’s boundaries).
They Don’t Want Your Dates to End
Do you know this feeling when you’ve had such a great time together that you want it to last longer and longer? This will occur on both sides if you’re really into each other. So, if you and your partner can’t get enough of your dates, that’s a green flag.
They Treat Others Well
If you’re looking for green flags in the person you’re dating, you should also check how they treat others. How do they talk to friends? What’s their relationship with their family—everything matters, including how they treat the servers at restaurants and supermarket clerks. If they’re respectful, it’s a sign they’re the right pick for you.
They Let You Lead Your Own Life
Finally, if you’re looking for dating green flags, consider your lives. Are they closely tied together, or do you let each other lead your own life, with separate groups of friends and hobbies that you don’t participate in together? While it’s important to meet each other’s friends and family, you should have a clear line between your lives with just a part of it (big or small, depending on the time of the relationship) shared. If that’s what’s happening in your relationship, then you’re with the right person.
The Takeaway
We’ve shown you some of the most prominent dating green flags, but remember—there’s much more to it. You should not only be cautious when spotting any red flags but also remember that this works both ways. Give your partner what you expect from them while respecting the boundaries, and you’ll be on the right track to a successful, loving relationship. What if you don’t see any green flags? Sometimes, ending your relationship is for the better.
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