Mar 14, 2021 | Matchmaker Blog
Let your date know you’re interested Contact We all have been there?. You are on a first date and you’re interested but you have to weigh out how much interest you want to show. How much is enough? How much is too much? How often do you find yourself...
Feb 4, 2021 | Matchmaker Blog
Is it time to move on from a relationship? More expert advice from our Matchmakers! We all can agree that walking away from a long-term relationship is challenging on many levels. The “When” to walk away can be hard to discern, especially when considering the time you...
Dec 31, 2020 | Matchmaker Blog
How Does a Matchmaking Service Work? Love seems to be the one thing we can all agree on, in that, at times, it can be challenging. It is a universal language and an aspirational experience we all desire. So how can you become accomplished in this area of life and keep...
Dec 18, 2020 | Matchmaker Blog
Why stay when you’re just not into it? So this is an interesting topic to unpack, and when you are speaking with men or women, you can get varied answers. However, when you funnel it down, all roads seem to lead to underlying...
Dec 3, 2020 | Matchmaker Blog
Matchmaker Sandra Myers on staying true to yourself while dating Contact It’s definitely hard to watch someone you know well become someone you don’t know when they meet someone that’s not good for them. How do you know when your partner isn’t necessarily your...