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What Does a Narcissist Want from a Relationship?

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March 18, 2024

Relationships are intricate dances between individuals, with each person bringing their desires, expectations, and vulnerabilities to the table. However, when one partner in a relationship exhibits narcissistic traits, the dynamics can become particularly challenging. What does a narcissist want from a relationship? 

A narcissist’s expectations from relationships

What does a narcissist want from a relationship? Some of the common expectations include:

  • Desire for admiration and validation – at the core of a narcissist’s desires in a relationship lies a strong need for admiration and validation. They crave constant praise and affirmation of their superiority, intelligence, or physical attractiveness. In the initial stages of a relationship, they may charm their partner with grand gestures and flattery, seeking to bolster their own ego through the admiration of others.
  • Control and dominance – narcissists often seek relationships where they can maintain control and dominance. They may employ manipulation tactics to keep their partner in a state of dependence, ensuring that their needs and desires always take precedence. This need for control can manifest in various ways, from dictating how their partner should dress to isolating them from friends and family.
  • Idealization and devaluation – what does a narcissist want from a relationship? In the idealization phase of a relationship, narcissists shower their partner with affection and admiration, portraying them as the perfect match. However, this idealization is often short-lived, giving way to devaluation as the narcissist’s unrealistic expectations are inevitably disappointed. They may criticize and belittle their partner, shifting blame onto them for any perceived shortcomings.
  • Attention and adoration – narcissists thrive on attention and adoration from their romantic partners. They expect their significant other to prioritize their needs and desires above all else, often becoming resentful when they feel neglected or overlooked. This insatiable need for attention can lead to jealousy and possessiveness, as narcissists fear losing their partner’s adoration to others.
  • Validation of self-worth – for a narcissist, relationships serve as a means of validating their self-worth and identity. They rely on their partner’s admiration and approval to bolster their fragile sense of self-esteem, constantly seeking reassurance that they are valued and admired. However, no amount of praise or validation is ever enough to fill the void within them, leading to a cycle of seeking out new sources of admiration.

Traits narcissists want from a romantic partner

Narcissists are drawn to partners who fulfill specific criteria that cater to their ego-driven needs. They seek individuals who are willing to cater to their every whim, bolster their sense of superiority, and provide unwavering admiration and validation. Traits that narcissists look for in a romantic partner include:

  • Narcissists prefer partners who are submissive and compliant, willing to bend to their will without question.
  • They crave partners who idolize and idealize them, showering them with constant praise and admiration.
  • Narcissists seek partners who are emotionally dependent on them, ensuring that they remain in control of the relationship dynamics.
  • They prefer partners who are agreeable and accommodating, never challenging their authority or questioning their decisions.
  • Narcissists seek partners who validate their sense of self-worth and identity, reinforcing their belief in their superiority.

Understanding what a narcissist wants from a relationship is essential for navigating these complex partnerships. While they may initially appear charming and charismatic, such people ultimately seek relationships that serve to bolster their own ego and self-esteem. 

Recognizing the traits a narcissist wants from a romantic partner can help individuals identify and avoid falling into the trap of a toxic relationship with a narcissist. It’s crucial to prioritize one’s own well-being and seek out relationships built on mutual respect, trust, and equality.

Can a narcissist be faithful? Explore our insights!

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Select Date Society

Select Date Society started with the idea that singles today needed a more sophisticated approach to excel in the dating arena. The one-size-fits-all approach of most services, whether online dating or personal matchmaking, doesn’t produce the results clients desire. In listening to the experiences of singles for decades, our Matchmakers know the value of our personalized membership tailored to an individual client’s needs. Our proprietary approach in the dating arena affords singles the optimal opportunity for success.