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5 Ways to Find Love if You’re Too Busy to Date

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Home 9 Matchmaker Blog 9 5 Ways to Find Love if You’re Too Busy to Date

February 26, 2025

Do you feel that you’re too busy to date? It might be so. Career, hobbies, personal obligations—there are many reasons why you might not have enough time to look for true love in your life. But does this mean that you should stop? Not at all!

Even if you feel that you’re too busy to date, there are ways through which you can find love. From evaluating your time to working with professional matchmakers—we’ll look into all of them in this article. Did we spark your interest? Then keep reading!

Are You Too Busy for Dating?

Let’s start with one fundamental question: can you really be too busy for dating? The answer is yes, you can. An overload of obligations is one of the most legitimate reasons to stop looking for love in your life. But it does not mean that you don’t deserve it.

We understand that you cannot quit your job or leave your business and don’t want to give up on your passions and friends; you just won’t do it, and you’re right. What you can do is change the methods you use to look for a partner.

How to Find Love If You’re Too Busy to Date?

So, how can you look for your soulmate if you don’t have enough time to date? Here are our 5 solutions:

Work with Professional Matchmakers

An executive matchmaker will take over the entire search from you. What’s more, if you work with Select Date Society, their concierges will curate incredible dates on your behalf. So, you won’t spend as much time as with traditional means—you’ll be able to combine dating with your personal life.

Redefine Your Priorities

Do you really don’t have any time to date? Often, it’s not the problem of time but rather your priorities, so you should redefine them. We don’t tell you that you have to quit your hobbies, but you could decrease the frequency of doing them or prioritize dating over some of them. Remember—the problem of being too busy to date is an issue of both the number of responsibilities you have and your time management.

am i too busy for dating

Get More Productive

Think about it: you’re only as busy as the number of tasks you need to complete. So, perhaps there’s an easy way out.

If you delegate some of your work responsibilities or find solutions to increase efficiency or automate them, you’ll have more time for dating. Simply said, you’ll find the time you need.

Mingle Your Hobbies and Meeting New People

Are you passionate about tennis after work? Look for new partners to play with or join thematic groups. This way, you’ll kill two birds with one stone: you’ll still do your hobby, and you’ll create opportunities to meet new people. If you can’t balance dating and career, use your passion instead. Plus, this way, you’re more likely to meet a like-minded partner!

Make Use of the Time When You Don’t Have Plans

Is there a time window that is completely free on your schedule? Spend it on dating! It can be a Saturday evening or a Monday afternoon—even such little time can do the trick. What’s more, leave that time free when planning your time throughout the year. This way, you’ll always have this dedicated window on the schedule for meeting new people or growing your current relationship.

What If You Found Your Love But You’re Still Too Busy?

If you’ve already met the perfect partner but have little time, communicate it clearly at the beginning of your relationship. Try to find compromises to spend some time together without giving up on anything else. Consider more frequent but shorter meetings to fit into your schedule. You can make it work; you just need to be straightforward about your schedule and open to looking for compromises.

The Takeaway

Are you too busy to date? Maybe, but you can do something about it! Whether you decide to work with a high-end matchmaker or redefine your priorities, all is in your hands. So, don’t use it as an excuse, even if it’s a legitimate one; do what’s in your power to find the time. After all, when you get old, you won’t care whether you were successful or not—you’ll want somebody to stand by your side!

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About the author

Select Date Society

Select Date Society started with the idea that singles today needed a more sophisticated approach to excel in the dating arena. The one-size-fits-all approach of most services, whether online dating or personal matchmaking, doesn’t produce the results clients desire. In listening to the experiences of singles for decades, our Matchmakers know the value of our personalized membership tailored to an individual client’s needs. Our proprietary approach in the dating arena affords singles the optimal opportunity for success.