How to become a professional matchmaker? This requires some soft skills. You need to be a good listener who can spot the most important elements in their client’s story and have excellent organizational skills. After all, as a matchmaker, you’re kind of a therapist for your client, and at the same time, you need to have great people skills and a wide network of potential date candidates. In this article, we’ll look into it more closely. We invite you to read on.
Who Is a Professional Matchmaker?
A professional matchmaker finds the perfect partners for their clients. They are responsible for listening to their clients, noting the details about their previous relationships, finding out their needs, and finally selecting the perfect candidates for their dates. As such, this job requires a wide, versatile range of skills.
Professional matchmaking isn’t regulated; hence, technically, anyone could become one. In practice, this is not that easy—if you want to succeed, you need a certain skill set. Otherwise, you will fail in this role and provide low-quality results. This is why, when working with professional matchmakers, you should only look for experienced ones.
How to Become a Professional Matchmaker?
So, how to be a professional matchmaker? What skills do you need to acquire, and how should you start? Let us explain this to you in more detail.
Matchmaker’s Skills
There are certain skills that you need to have in order to succeed as a professional matchmaker. These include:
- Great listening skills—You will have to hear your clients’ stories and extract the most important information from them.
- Psychological skills—As a matchmaker, you do more than just find the perfect singles for your clients; you listen to their histories and guide them through the membership. That’s why you might often become a therapist, so you need some psychological knowledge to cope with this role.
- Organizational skills—Being a matchmaker requires you to schedule your meetings with the clients, keep a record of your whole singles network, and have a file on each of your clients, which you regularly update. Hence, if you cannot organize your time or struggle with that, you will find this job much more demanding.
- People skills—You need to be able to build your singles network and build connections with your clients.
Starting as a Matchmaker
Your road to professional matchmaking should start with matchmaking for friends. If you excel at this, it might indicate that you should start matchmaking for a living.
How do you become a matchmaker when you set your sights on it? Consider attending courses dedicated to matchmaking but also to running a business—sooner or later, you might want to start your own agency. You may also try to apply for different roles in already existing matchmaking agencies and learn from the best. For example, why don’t you become a concierge first and observe the work of the most excellent matchmakers?

How Easy Is Being a Matchmaker?
Unlike common beliefs, becoming a matchmaker is difficult, and so is being one of them. This requires you to update and extend your network constantly. Moreover, each client case is different—you cannot adopt a general strategy; you need to personalize your approach. So, while it may seem easy, it’s a job that requires a lot of determination and effort, as well as creativity.
The truth is that either you have it or not. That’s why we recommend you first see whether you’re a good matchmaker for your friends—it’s a great way to determine whether you’ll succeed. Nevertheless, the road to becoming a recognized, successful executive matchmaker is long and bumpy, and you need to gain that experience and battle the hardships to truly excel at it. The question that remains is: do you have that determination in you?
The Takeaway
Knowing how to be a professional matchmaker, you realize that this job is much more complicated than it seems on the surface. Yet, it’s also extremely satisfying—seeing the happiness of your clients after they find the love of their lives is immensely rewarding. Thus, if you feel that you have what it takes to become a matchmaker, don’t hesitate to try.
Do you want to learn more about being a professional matchmaker from the client’s point of view? Read our articles: